YOO Hye-Sook
Born in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Lives and works in Paris and Seoul
B.F.A. in painting Ewha University, Seoul (1987)
B.F.A. in Fine Art, University Paris VIII, Paris (1989)
Graduated Ecole Nationale supérieur des Beaux- Arts, Paris (1991)
M.F.A. in Fine Art, University Paris VIII, Paris (1999)
2024 Light and Space, Galerie Uhn, Königstein, Germany (duo)
2024 As a Flash of Light, Gallery Soso, Seoul, South Korea
2024 Let's get blue, L'H du siège, Valenciennes, France
2023 Double Notes, Gallery Woonjoong, Pankyo, South Korea (duo)
2022 Day is breaking, Gallery Maria Lund, Paris, France
2022 Deep Space, Gallery Uhn, Königstein, Germany
2021 Dissonanz, Gallery Uhn, Königstein, Germany (duo)
2020 Autre part, Ujong Museum of Art, Boseong, South Korea
2020 Towards an elsewhere, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, South Korea
2020 Au-delà, Gallery Jacob1212, Seoul, South Korea
2018 From Her Empty Room, Cheongju Art Studio, South Korea
2018 L'obscur lumineux, Gallery Choi, Seoul, South Korea
2018 Hearths, Gallery Maria Lund, Paris, France
2017 L’eclat du Noir, La Folie en Tête, La Réole , France
2017 Dichotomie, Gallery 604 & Project B6, Busan, South Korea
2014 Taking My Time, Youngeun Museum Contemporary of Art, Gwangju, South Korea
2013 Becoming, Soma (Seoul Olympic Museum of Art) Drawing Center, Seoul, South Korea
2012 Anonimo, Artothèque de Rome, Roma, Italia
2011 Anonymes II, Kandler Gallery, Toulouse, France
2011 Anonymes, Maria Lund Gallery, Paris, France
2011 Oripeaux, duo with Manon Ginoux, Espace culturel, Gentilly, France(duo)
2009 Trait d’union, duo with Nadya Berteau, Espace Icare, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France(duo)
2008 Oeuvres récentes, Kandler Gallery, Toulouse, France
2008 L’obscur lumineux, Sellem Gallery, Paris, France
2006 Zone : Chelsea center for the arts, New York, USA (Curated by KIM Airyung)
2006 Gallery Gana-Beaubourg, Paris, France (Curated by KIM Airyung)
2005 Peintures décentes, Bruno DELARUE Gallery, Paris, France
2002 Dessin-installation, Théâtre Le Vanves Gallery, Vanves, France
2001 Cheveux, Bruno DELARUE Gallery, Paris, France
2001 Albert Chanot Contemporary Art Center, Clamart, France
1993 Gallery Icon, Seoul, South Korea
1991 Galerie de la Grande Masse des Beaux-Arts de Paris, France
GROUP EXHIBITIONS (sellection since 2000)
2024 L'echo des formes, 24 Espace Beaubourg, Paris, France
Cross the Word, Marc Minjauw Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
La nuit, le regard se tourne vers la lune et les étoiles, Abbaye Saint André- Contemporary art center, Meymac, France
2023 Raise the waves, National Maritime Museum, Busan, South Korea
Le fond municipal d’art contemporain de Gentilly, Service culturel, Gentilly, France
Black and matter, Cernuschi Museum, Paris, France
Padam padam, Duson Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2022 Black et Colors, Gallery 5, Paris, France
Event of the Night, Espace 24 Beaubourg, Paris, France
Regardez, Voir!, La carte à jouer Museum, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Senses in/ and Garden, Jeonbuk Museum of Art, Wanju, South Korea
Nul homme que la lune n'ait vu, Ancienne Nonciature, Brussels, Belgium
2021 Biennale d’ISSY, La carte à jouer Museum, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Sonamou, Korean cultural center, Paris, France
Sonamou, Espace24beaubourg, Paris, France
Nopoto, Paris, France
2020 Flexible Boundary, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, South Korea
3rd International Biennal of Artworks on Paper, Museum of Kozara, Prijedor, Bosnie-Herzégovine
Let me introduce my self, Daegu Art Factory, South Korea
2019 Sillages, Cheongju Museum of Art, Cheongju, Cheongju, South Korea
Recto-verso, MM Gallery, Brussel, Belgium
Flâneries, Art Sabine Puget, Chateau Barras, Fox-Ampoux, France
Onde Immatérielle, Bastille Design Center, Paris, France
Sender Inquiry, Cheonju Art Studio, Cheonju, South Korea
Drawing-Korean modern and contemporary drawings, SOMA Museum, seoul, South Korea
2018 Stars beyond the Night, Cheonju Art Studio, Cheonju, South Korea
Memory of one star, B53, Arnhem, Holland
2017 Construction Time Again, Bastille Design Center, Paris
SEOUL THE EXCHANGE, PHK 18, Rotterdam, Holland
Art Project Ulsan, Ulsan, South Korea
2016 Remind; Hamel was there, Marter Project, WTC Art Gallery, Rotterdam, Holland
Republic of 0 sang, Gwangju Biennale Special Exhibition, The National Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, South Korea,
(Curated by Sim Eunlog)
Reminiscing on past times… Youngeun Museum of Contemporay Art, Gwangju, Gyonggi-do, South Korea,
Nopoto, Paris, France
2015 Soma Drawing-mindfull mindless, SOMA Museum, seoul, South Korea
Korean Figuration, Cernuschi Museum, Paris, France (Curated by Mael Bellec)
Biennale d’ISSY, La carte à jouer Museum, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Senses croisés, Cité internationale des arts, Paris, France
Nopoto, Paris, France
2014 Plis, Sabine Puget Gallery, Château Barras, Fox-Amphoux, France
Sonamou, son.âme.où ? Cité internationale des arts, Paris, France
Nopoto, Paris, France
2013 Our history, Espace Cosmopolis, Nantes, France (Curated by Sang A Chun)
2012 Acrrochage 4, Maria Lund Gallery, Paris, France
Sonamou, Ara art center, Seoul, France
Project X, La carte à jouer Museum, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
2011 Installons nous, habitons le, Albert Chanot Art Center, Clamart, France
Exposition des propositions d'acquisition du FMAC, Espace culturel, Gentilly, France
Give me six, Maria Lund Gallery, Paris, France
2010 Tomorrow festival-Media Arts Festivale , Omog Garden & SBS, Seoul, South Korea (Crated by KIM Unzi)
Becoming, korean Cultural Center ,Warsaw, Poland
Present from the Past, korean Cultural Center, London, U.K.
Fil rouge sur la ferme du Mousseau, Ferme du Mousseau Gallery, Elancourt, France
Néo-graphie, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France (Curated by Sou-Hyeun KIM)
Made in Korea-Les Femmes au Pays du Matin Calme, Lipao-Huang Gallery, Paris, France
dessin, Albert Chanot Art Center, Clamart, France
Polypthique, La carte à jouer Museum, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
2009 Alice at chanot, Albert Chanot Art Center, Clamart, France
from Dada to tomorrow, Eesprit Chave, Fondation Emile Hugues,Vence, France
Line to line, Indonesia Nationale gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia (Curated by Michel Nuridsany)
ISSY Biennale, La carte à jouer Museum, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
2008 Micro-Narratives, temptation of little reality , Museum of modern art saint-étienne, France (Curated by Lorand Hegyi)
Contemporary Korean Artists in Paris, Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul, South Korea (Curated by KIM Mee-Jin KIM)
Drawing woman, Gallery Johyun, Seoul & Busan, South Korea (Curated by KIM Airyung)
Dessins-Au fil du hasard , Gallery Chave, Vence, France
2007 Micro-Narratives, 48th Salon d’Octobre, Belgrade, Serbia (Curated by Lorand Hegyi)
Sensibility-Pink, Cyborg, Imperfect structure, International Incheon Women Artists' Biennale, Incheon, South Korea
Cutting edge, Hôtel Dassault, Artcurial, Paris, France
Strates, Korean Cultural Center, Paris, France
Regards en miroir, Musée de la carte à jouer, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
2006 Choeng Jae kyu, YOO Hye Sook, Yun Ai young, Montparnasse Museum, Paris, France
Par les nouvelles fenêtres, OECD , Paris, France (Curated by KIM Airyung)
21 Contemporary Women Artistes, Ecole Polytechnique Féminine, Sceaux, France
Textile and Poetry, lounge gallery, TAD Conceptstore, Milano, Italia
Frontier, Montparnasse Museum, Paris & Conseil Generale Espace Saint Louis,Bar Le Duc, France
2005 Artistes of Arch, In-Sa Art Plaza Gallery, Space Department Store AEKYNG, Seoul, South Korea
Sonamou Paris-Seoul, Korean Foundation Culture Center, Seoul, South Koreal
2004 Coréegraphie, La carte à jouer Museum, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
2003 Reflection and Transparenc, Gallery Korea, New York, USA
PARIS-NEW YORK, Gangneung Culture Center, Gangneung, South Korea
Mise à nu, Korean Culture Center, Paris, France
ISSY Biennale, La carte à jouer Museum, Issy-les-Moulineaux
100 years of History of the Korean Artists in France, Gana-Beaubourg Gallery, Paris, France
2002 Dessins, Albert Chanot Art Center, Clamart, France
Portraits, Espace Saint-Jacques, Saint-Quentin, France
Trypthique, Angers, France
2001 Portraits, Aragon Culture Center, Oyonnax, France
Neighbors, Korean Cultural Center, Paris & Artsenal, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Our traces, Gana-beaubourg Gallery, Paris, France
Young Creation via Rennes, La Paillette, Rennes, France
Young Creation, Grande Hall de la Villette, Paris, France
Salon Montrouge, Montrouge, France
2000 Young Creation, Espace Eiffel-Branly, Paris, France
November in Vitry, Vitry-sur-seine, France
Salon Montrouge, Montrouge, France
April Fool, Korean Cultural Center, Paris, France
MANIF, Contemporary Art Biennale in Nîmes, Nîmes, France
1992 The 3rd Prize Rocheron, Exhibition of the Work of Raised Graduate With Congratulations
2000 Prize of Painting, Salon Montrouge
2012 Selected artiste for Into Drawing of Drawing Center, SOMA Museum
2023 L'h du siège, Valenciennes, France
2020 Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, South Korea
2018 Cheongju Art Studio, Cheongju, South Korea
2016 Residence of Domaine de la Kerguéhennec, Bignan, France
2014 Youngeun Artiste-in–Residency,Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwang-ju, South Korea
Art Paris, Paris, France
Asia Now, Paris, France
Art Elysées, Paris: France
Enter Art Fair, Copenhagen, Danemark
KiAF, Seoul, South Korea
Drawing Now, Paris, France
DDESSIN-Cabinet de dessin contemporain, Paris, France
Art on Paper, Brussels, Belgium
Chic Art Fair, Paris, France
St’art, Strasbourg, France
Art Gwangju, South Korea
Art Karlsruhe , Karlsruhe, Germany
Cernuschi Museum, Paris, France
Suwon I-Park Museum of Art, Suwon, South Korea
Cheongju Museum of Art, Cheonju, South korea
Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea
Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwangju, South Korea
Ujong Museum of Art, Boseong, South Korea
FMAC, Gentilly, France
Artothèque de Rome, Roma, Italy
Art Bank of National Museum of Contemporary Art, South Korea
Hyundae Munhak Co., South Korea
Ecole Nationale supérieur des Beaux- Arts, Paris, France
Privates Collections
- La nuit, le regard se tourne vers la lune et les étoiles, exhibition journal, Abbaye Saint André-Centre d’art contemporain,
Meymac, France, 2024
- Exhibition catalog, Chun Heejung, Gallery Soso, Seoul, South Korea, 2024
- Dans la couleur bleu, Romain MATHIEU, Exposition Catalog, L’H du Siège, Valenciennes, France, 2024
- Raise the waves, exhibition catalog, National Maritime Museum of Korea, Busan, South Korea, 2023
- N 5, Journal du cours d'histoire de l'art de la ville d'ivry - sur- seine, juin 2023
-Toisons contemporaines, sujet et matière fascinants pour les artistes,Laurence d’ist, pp.64-67, Artension n°178, mars-avril, 2023
- Sense of Direction, exhibition catalog, Cheongju Museum of Art, Cheongju, South Korea, 2023
- Padam padam, exhibition journal, Gallery Duson, Seoul, South Korea, 2023
- Nul homme que la lune n’ait vu, exhibition catalog, L’Ancienne Nonciature, Bruxelles, Belgique, 2022
- Black and colors, exhibition catalog, Paris, France, 2022
-Calm tensions, Mael BELLEC, Exhibition Catalog "Autre part", Ujong Museum of Art, Boseong, South Korea, 2020
-The other side of light, Hyun Jung, Exhibition Catalog, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, South Korea,2020
-Kim Halim, Preface for Exhibition, Gallery Jacob 1212, Seoul, South Korea, 2020
-A lonely viewing From Her Empty Room, Seong Wonsun, Exhibition Catalog “Sender Inquiry”, CJ Art Studio, Cheongju,
South Korea, 2019
-Arts Asiatiques, Mael Bellec, magazine p130-131,Tome 74, 2019
-Re-classification: The night leads to the night, Exhibition Catalog ,Suwon I-Park Museum of Art, Suwon, South Korea, 2019
-Korean Modern and Contemporary Drawings, Exhibition Catalog ,SOMA Musem of Art, Seoul, South Korea, 2019
-Review, Kim Mijin, magazine Wolgan Misool, October, 2018
-Forays into a familiar unknown, Maria Lund, Exhibition Catalog, Gallery Choi, Seoul, South Korea, 2018
-Room with a view, Olivier Kaeppelin, Monographie, Gallery 604, Busan, South Korea, 2017
-Yoo Hy-Sook, Repetitions & Differences, Monographie, Gallery 604, Busan, South Korea, 2017
-Reminiscing on past times… ,Exhibition Catalog, Youngeun Museum of Contemporay Art, Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do, 2016
-Republic of 0-sang, Text; Sim Eunlog, Exhibition Catalog, Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, 2016
-mindfull mindless, Text; Nayoung Jung, Exhibition Catalog, SOMA Museum, seoul, South Korea, 2015
-Sonamou, son. Âme. où?, Texte; Sim Eunlog, Exhibition Catalog, Cité internationale des Arts, Paris, 2014
-Becoming, Text; Younjeong PARK, Exhibition Catalog Monograph, SOMA Drawing Center, Seoul, 2013
-Yoo Hye-Sook, Monograph Catalog, sponsored by Korean Cultural Center in Paris, 2012
-Anonymes, Text; ITZHAK Goldberg, Exhibition Catalog Monograph, Maria Lund Gallery, Paris, 2011
-Yoo Hye-Sook, Catalog Monograph, ed. Les Arches, Issy- les- moulineaux, 2011
-Neo-Graphie, Text; Sou-Hyeun Kim, Exhibition Catalog, , Cité internationael des Arts, Paris, 2010
-Present from the Past, Exhibition Catalog, korean Cultural Center, London, U.K. 2010
-Tomorrow festival-Media Arts Festivale , Exhibition Catalog, Seoul, 2010
-Between-tow, Text; Françoise MONNIN, Exhibition « Trait d’union », Espace Icare, Issy-les-moulineaux, 2009
-Line to Line, Text; Michel Nuridsany, Exhibition Catalog, National gallery of Indonesia in Jakarta, 2009
-Taking a different line, Matheos Viktor Messakh , Article in The Jakarta Post, Jakarta , 2009
-From Dada to Tomorrow, Eesprit Chave, Exhibition Catalog, Vence Museum, Daniel Abadie, ed. Skira, Paris, 2009
-Contemporary Korean Artists in Paris, Text; Mee-jin KIM & Sou-Hyeun KIM, , Exhibition Catalog, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, 2008
-Micro-Narratives, temptation of little reality, Exhibition Catalog, ed. Skira-Flammarion, Paris, 2008
-The Thorn of Time, Text; Jean - Louis POITEVIN, Exhibition Catalog, Monograph, Kandler Gallery, Toulouse, 2008
-Drawing Woman, Text; Kim Airyung, Exhibition Catalog, ed. Jo hyun Gallery, Seoul & Busan, 2008
-Today’s Women Painters, Text; Françoise MONNIN, in Art Magazine Azart special edition N 5 september, Paris, 2006
-The dark light,Text; Gilbert LASCAULT, Exhibition Catalog Monograph, Paris & New York, 2006
-Drwaing Project, Hyundae munhak, May, 2004
-Drwaing Project, Hyundae munhak, May, 2003
-100years History of Korean Artiste Living in France , , Exhibition Catalog, Gallery Gana-Beaubourg, Paris, 2003
-Portraits, Exhibition Catalog, Saint-Quentin, 2002
-Hair, Text; Michel NURIDSANY, Preface of Monograph , Exhibition Catalog, Bruno Delarue Gallery, Paris, 2001
-Tif... , Text; Alexandre GRENIER, Article in Pariscope, Paris, 2005
-The Question of Time, Text; Alexandre GRENIER, Article in Pariscope, Paris, 2001
-yoo hye-sook, dessiner les cheveux, text; Kim mi-young, Article in Art in Culture, 2001
-The Personal Diary, Text; Jean- Louis POITEVIN « regard critique » Exhibition Catalog of Young Creation, Paris, 1995
-Painting of Sensibility, Text; ,Biongkwan JEUNG, Exhibition Catalog Monograph, Icon Gallery, Seoul, 1993
-Traces 9, , Exhibition Catalog, énb-a, Paris, 1992
2015 Virtuel Exhibition, False Fable, Mutuum Artothèque, Aquitaine, France
2012 Selection for Archive artiste, Soma Drawing Center, Seoul, South Korea
2011 Confidences pour un dessin, emission on M6 ,w9 and Paris première, Paris, France
2010 Realisation of first vidéo for the festival of 20th anniversary, SBS, Seoul, South Korea
2009 Workshop with the realisation choregraph, théâtre de la Ferme du Mousseau, Elancourt, France
1998 TRANSLACJE, art symposium, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Pologne